It can only improve
You said: Fact 1: If you think I'm a crappy artist, check out my previous submissions. They were 2nd place to review crew and underdog (dang!).
Yeah after looking at that I do think your a crappy artist, and I'm sorry my friend but that's only why I gave you a 2. The train track wasn't too bad, but that thing gliding around the track was nothing like a train. There were also no carriages or background. You said look at your other submissions, well to be honest, I'm not giving this a better rating on graphics because of your other submissions, my review is bases soley on this.
You said: Fact 2: I have a GOLD whistle. If you write some crap review, I'll have it removed before you can vote on this movie.
If people give you a crap review, get over it. There are a load of people who want to put your work down, but that doesn't mean you should get rid of the review. The reviews are there for people to show their thoughts on the submission whether they liked it or not, so what's the point of removing any? It's unfair on the person that wrote it.
The game idea looked interesting, answering questions to change the course of the train, it seemed like a good idea. The gameplay was okay, but I think you should make it more obvious that there is a time limit for you to choose an answer. The graphics can be improved alot, and I think they need to be, but this isn't the final version so it's okay they're not perfect, but they're really quite far from being stunning at the moment.
I look forward to seeing the modified/final version in the portal in January if you release it then. This is the start of what could be a good game, and I'm sure it will only improve, but please next time don't try to put people off saying what they wan't to about your submission. Criticism is important, you won't improve if you don't get any.
This flash is a good start, I don't know if it'll get past judgement, but it doesn't need to. I hope this helped, a few things need improving and then it's all gravy! :)
Good luck